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Nintendo has always looked for ways to reach out to new players and audiences. With the holiday season approaching soon, Nintendo has announced the release of three different starter packs for the Switch. These starter packs are have been stated to contain Super Mario Odyssey, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, or Splatoon 2. The packs will contain a Nintendo Switch, two JoyCon controllers, JoyCon grips, a docking charger, an HDMI cable, one of the three games, and a guide book for the game.
Nintendo has definitely understood the success of the games and wishes to reach out to those that haven’t had a try at their system. From personal experience, the switch is a revolutionary console as the games are high quality and the system is portable. It’s battery life is substantial and has lasted me through long car rides, train trips, and flights. Being able to play on the go has been an experience that Nintendo has mastered over many years, and the Switch is a culmination of all of that data.
The Switch has some exciting games coming soon that have been exhibited at E3 earlier this year. The new Super Smash Bros. title is being released later this year and it is looking to be the next step in the FGC for the series. The Switch also will have the new Pokemon games, Pokemon, Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee. If you are a fan of traditional series or want to experience a five star single player experience, the Switch will not disappoint.
You may be wondering how much the starter packs will cost. Nintendo has stated it will be an additional 59.99 on top of the price point of the switch. You can expect to shell out 390 to 400 bucks for the system, game, and guide. The starter packs will be on the market from September 28th and onward.