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Esports has been busy this week and this weekend will see even more action as the fate of many esports teams’ seasons rests in their performance.Shooter tournaments happening this weekend are the Call of Duty World Championship, Overwatch World Cup, The 6 Invitational, and the Fortnite Summer Skirmish are all happening this weekend.
Fortnite Summer Skrimish Week 6
Fortnite has consistently been the most watched game on Twitch for the majority of the year. The Summer Skirmish was hosted on Twitch on Friday. Be sure to catch the replay on the Fortnite Twitch channel to see all of the fun!
Overwatch World Cup
The Overwatch World Cup qualifiers have kicked off as 24 teams from across the globe are competing for a slot in the World Cup in Spring next year. The matches have been leaning toward the South Koreans and Russians in group 1. The group will continue on Saturday with South Korea vs Hong Kong and continue throughout the weekend. Everything will be live streamed on Twitch all weekend long.
Call Of Duty World Championship
Call of Duty’s World Championship has already been underway since last weekend. Host in Columbus, Ohio, the legacy first person shooter game launches their final WWII tournament before the launch of Black Ops 4. The teams are competing for a 1.5 million dollar prize pool. OpTic Gaming has already been eliminated and a new champion will be crowned this year. The schedule will be consistent throughout the week with matches kicking off at 12:00PM EDT and continuing till they finish around 7:30-8PM. On Sunday, the matches will conclude after the Grand Finals match that is scheduled for 4:30PM EDT.
Rainbow Six: Siege
The Six Invitational held in Paris this year has had a significant amount of growth since last year. With streamers like Shroud consistently playing the game and Myth, Nickmercs, and others advertising it, R6 has gotten a blast of publicity just in time. Siege is unlike many other first person shooters as the players are more fragile and the maps can be manipulated by the players. If you are into intense action, take a look into Siege’s Year 3 tournament on Twitch at 8:30AM EDT on Saturday and the finals at 11:00AM EDT on Sunday.