Community News

Elder Scrolls Goes Mobile
At E3, Bethesda announced The Elder Scrolls: Blades. The game showed the classic single player first person experience Bethesda is known and loved for...
Clash Royale League Launches Soon
Supercell, owner and creator of Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, have announced that the Clash Royale League’s commencement is next week. Let&rs...
Prepare for CoD Championships 2018
The 2018 Call of Duty World League Championship tournament is kicking off on August 15th. 32 of the world’s best teams will be fighting for a cl...
Mercedes Announces F1 Esports Team
Esports have never been taken more seriously and still aren’t recognized as a growing sports field, but with every passing day, more and more co...
Hearthstone: The Boomsday Project
It’s never quite chaos until a mad scientist is involved and Hearthstone’s The Boomsday Project intends of creating as much madness as it ...
Doom Eternal Trailer Released
Doom Eternal is not only showing off a few updates but will also be coming to Nintendo Switch. ID Software showed off what would be coming to Doom Ete...
Jump Force: A Nostalgic Celebration
Bandai Namco has brought forward a game which clearly takes its inspiration from Manga, called Jump Force. Since its reveal at E3 2018, it has created...
The Future of Always Online Gaming
It is said that all innovation is mostly guided by one of two factors. Either, it’s the remarkable feeling of wanting to add value to an already...
Top Games for Laptops and Low-End PCs
Not having access to the fanciest gear is something that bars us from the latest offerings of games. Well, guess what, even if you have a potato compu...