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Steam Brings us the Next Level of Gaming
           From PC to console and now your mobile device, Steam is taking over the market as the biggest crossover serv...
Halo Makes an Appearance!!
            Halo fans can now enjoy a night out while playing the Xbox classic Halo. Microsoft hosted a live streaming ...
Esports Bandwagon Acquires the NBA
       Earlier this year, the North American League of Legends Championship entered franchising. Franchising solidified the posit...
Fortnite v4.2 Notes, Details, Tips
Technology users may hate software updates, but in the world of gaming, it means exciting new content for your favorite game. Fortnite managed to rel...
North America Performance Questionable?
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A New Future for APB
Many games never get a second chance after its following dwindles away and is soon replaced by the latest craze. However, APB Reloaded seems to have ...
Money where his mouth is 10k by KEEMstar
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Overwatch League: Grand Final Stretch
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NEO GEO Mini, a world of NOSTALGIA
The beeps and boops fill the the room with loud echos of button smashing as children gathered at the local arcade to play the latest video game. Howe...